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State of Delaware Office of Pensions

Path to Retirement

Current Employee in a Pension Creditable Position

5 Years from Retirement

1 - 2 Years from Retirement

4 Months from Retirement

  • Notify supervisor and Human Resources department four (4) months prior to your retirement date to ensure timely processing of pension benefits.
  • Human Resources begins the process of verifying service by initiating an electronic Pension Application (Pen-App). The Office of Pensions verifies the employee’s service and sends a confirmation email back to the Human Resources department after creditable service is verified.
  • Human Resources schedules an appointment to sign the pension application and complete the necessary paperwork.
  • Human Resources requires the employee to bring the following personal documents to their appointment.
    • Birth certificate (or federally compliant Delaware driver’s license or ID card) for employee, spouse and eligible dependent(s)
    • Signed Social Security card for employee, spouse and eligible dependent(s)
    • Marriage certificate, death certificate, or divorce decree, as applicable
    • Medicare card for employee, spouse and eligible dependent(s)
  • Coverage under pension healthcare benefits requires enrollment in Medicare Part A and Part B when eligible due to either age 65 or disability. Inform your organization’s Human Resources department if you and/or any of your eligible health insurance covered dependents are Medicare eligible.
    • Complete a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) L-564 form (also known as the “Request for Employment Information” form). The form requires a human resources representative’s signature for each individual who is Medicare eligible.
    • Apply for Medicare Part B by contacting a local Social Security Administration (SSA) field office with a completed CMS L-564 form. The effective date of Part B should have an effective date equal to the pension effective date.
    • Schedule the appointment with the local SSA field office at least three months prior to the pension effective date to avoid health benefit enrollment delays.

45 days from Retirement

  • Signed Pen-App and required forms and documents should be received by the Office of Pensions.
  • If Medicare-eligible, submit a copy of either a Medicare card or a benefit verification letter from the Social Security Administration showing the effective dates of Medicare Part A and Part B for each Medicare eligible individual.
  • Complete the Sick\Vacation Deferral Form with your human resources representative and send to the Office of the State Treasurer at least 30 days before you receive your final paycheck. – The form can be found on the Office of State Treasurer’s web site.

You are Officially Retired

Congratulations on your retirement!

What to expect now:

  • The Office of Pensions calculates the monthly pension amount after the final paycheck is paid.
  • A buy-in statement is mailed if there are buy-in options. The statement must be returned before the first pension payment is paid.
  • First pension payment will be on a lag pay. (Example: if you retire May 1st, then May and June pension payment will be paid on the last business day in June)
  • Instructions on how to log in and view pension payment information online is mailed. Viewing pension payment is available after the first pension payment is generated.

What to do After You Retire

  • The Office of Pensions will be your contact for benefits, change of address, payroll and any other forms you need updated you can find the Retiree Forms here.
  • Continue to view our website for updated information such as pay dates and office closings
  • All changes of address must be in writing, the form can be found here
  • You will receive a retiree annual statement
  • 1099R’s and W-2’s will be mailed in January every year
Retiree Member Login
State Employees' Pension
Summary Plan Description

To access and pay for the training online please visit: The Delaware Safety Council
Enter Retirees' discount code and pay $12.

This training is for retirees only in the State Employees’, Judicial, Old State Police and New State Police Pension Plans and is not intended for family members.
Contact Delaware Safety Council for Questions at:
(302) 276-0660

Anonymous Fraud Reporting Hotline
Customer Service
Delaware Office of Pensions Logo
State of Delaware Office of Pensions
McArdle Building, 860 Silver Lake Blvd., Suite #1
Dover, DE 19904-2402
Toll Free: (800) 722-7300, Local: (302) 739-4208
SLC 570A
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